Tuesday, May 5, 2009

of weather, bias, and other sundry topics

It appears that Spring has finally Sprung! Yee Haw. Because of rain, mini me's baseball team had games on three consecutive days....losing 8-6, 9-8, and 11-10. I'm not sure it wasn't better last year when we got our a$$es kicked, regularly.

So, as I've said before, I don't usually delve into the political arena in this little corner of blog heaven, BUT.....

The media treats this president differently than the one before him. A case in point came Sunday...when "President and Mrs Obama took advantage of the nice weather by frequenting an upscale French bistro. They later strolled the White House grounds."

I can only imagine the headlines had this been GW. ...

" The President, proving once again how out of touch he is with his constituency, fiddled while Rome was burning by going out to an exclusive DC restaurant Saturday night. Afterward, seemingly oblivious to skyrocketing unemployment and the myriad protesters at the gates, Bush and his wife took a carefree walk around the White House." Apparently I'm not the only one noticing...

Got a wild hair this morning and lifted for the first time in a while....supersetted squats with sets of side and chop kicks, then super setted alternate arm db presses on the swiss ball with swiss ball push ups and supermans. Finished with the crazy shoulder/back work out from this month's MH. I am one sore fat guy...


nerdrium said...

You're spot on. They had something on the news yesterday morning showing how when Obama comes into the press room all the reporters stand up, yet the last few times Bush did the same thing, they just stayed in their seats.

I'm hopeful that Obama will do a good job, but seriously, there's no need to canonize him yet.

Besides, there's this swine flu business (that the lefties would have blamed on Bush, you know, for not doing a good enough job to protect the country from airborne viruses that come floating across the border).

Unknown said...

keep it up dude. I am looking at P90x to start soon for me.

Glad you got half naked at the farm today.