Wednesday, June 17, 2009

melon collie

No...Katie didn't eat a cantaloupe. Once again, a funk has descended upon me and I'm not sure why. I think it's because the boss has been working herself to exhaustion doing projects after working her regular job and driving the kids to myriad activities. I wish there was some way that I could make it so she didn't have to work so damned hard.

I did the 20 minute workout from MH yesterday, and frankly I don't think I'm in good enough shape to try it again. This workout is all about standing on one leg and doing the exercises, and my left leg balked. I was ok on my right leg, but my form started breaking down almost immediately when I balanced on my left. It's a good solid workout....two sets of alternating arm db bench presses, single leg, single arm rows, the infamous bulgarian split squats, standing single leg lifts and split curl to presses with one leg elevated. All of this is designed to put pressure on the core muscles of your lower back and abs, and it did. I was pretty sore this morning. I don't however, think it worked the chest, back and arms as much as I expected, probably as a result of my aforementioned form meltdown.

We're told that Cookie made the baseball All-Star team, and I'm ashamed to admit that I'm a little ambivalent. I know that he REALLY wanted to make the team, so I'm grateful for that, but had he not made it, we would have had almost a month between sports. Now it's going to be a week or two, at the max, before football starts. Then soccer, basketball, and soon it's March and baseball again. Damn.

Mad props to my homies who are sticking to their running programs. Nerdgardener, Tom, Ally, and Astro are all kicking Ass and taking names while I remain...the big FAT loser.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

But we all love ya. I don't think the BOSS is working that hard... if she wasn't pickin pumkins and leaning on the fence talking to her farmin neighbors she'd have more time to work.

Get back into you big horse. No excuses.