Monday, January 31, 2011

The big one...

You want the big one? I've got the big one! (Tip of the BYU Cougars cap to The Hollywood Knights) It looks like the storm of the century's blowing in, so i wanted to make sure that i got one run in, at least, this week. MMR says I went 2.15 quest is to stretch it to 3. The jogging splits are glacially becoming more palatable.

This just in...I'm thinking about changing both my boys' names to Jimmer. What that kid is doing is phenomenal...a living, breathing, shooting testament to my son that relatively small, slow white boys can become tremendous basketball players through hard work, hustle and heart.

The Arcola mountain proved too tall once again as the Devils fell to their nemesis. I hated to see the season end. Finished 15-5, with 3 of the losses coming at the hands of the Riders. We'll get them next year.

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