Wednesday, March 17, 2010

the next phase

Well...week one day three of the unemployment lifestyle is upon me.

Some opportunities turned out to be not what I hoped, but it's too glorious outside to be sad. Completed my 2nd week 2nd day couch to 5k run this morning with VGFATdog. She loves her time outdoors.

Will continue to peruse the usual job lists...hoping something comes my way.

Friday, March 5, 2010


#1 son continues to recover from tonsil removal. I wish I could somehow take on his suffering for him. He'll be fine soon, but not NEARLY soon enough.

Did a killer diller chest and shoulders workout this morning. supersetted db flys and pushups, and for a little extra fun I put my feet on a swiss ball while doing the pushups. My chest is shred city!

Did shrugs, and the shoulder super sets, and threw in a couple sets of toe raises.

I'm sure to me a MONSTA come beach and pool season. :-) heh heh heh.