Thursday, June 24, 2010

the princess

My running partner petered out on me about a third of the way through our run this morning. We ended up walking for a while and then I finished with her on my shoulders. As we walked and talked and she picked leaves from trees, I was struck with the realization that the days of piggy back rides are racing to an end. I'm not sure how I feel about it, but it's inevitable, and that realization more than made up for the interupted workout. Besides, sprinting a couple blocks with a nine year old on your shoulders counts for something, right?

Came home and did a 20 minute plyometric workout with mini me. He's gearing up for football, and I can always use the workout. We did pogo jumps, box jumps, prisoner squats, glute/ham raises and weighted crunches.

The part time gig at Parkland is most excellent. I love seeing the look on adults' faces when they realize that they can actually do it and that we're there to help them.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

summer musings...'s been two months since normalcy took its leave. Being home with the kids all day, every day has exposed fissures that should probably have remained glossed over. With each bong letter, my mood darkens. There's nothing more pathetic than an unjolly fat guy, and I am as unjolly as I've ever been.

It's a tough stretch for #1 son. He's never been the extroverted type, but now his few friends seem to be moving on to other more earthly pursuits while he remains in xbox mode. Mini me is about his only buddy, these days, but his loneliness appears to be manifesting itself in constant bullying and berating.

Had my annual fizzy cal last week...Dr. B sort of reminds me of The Deer Hunter ("Di di MAO!") when discussing my state of health. Not good, but it did serve to get me back out on the pavement for a trot or two...

Went about 1-1/2 miles walking and jogging with the princess, VGFATdog and noodles this morning. Felt really good.....think it's time to lengthen my splits and go a little longer.