How does it run 2.6 miles in the rain. (Tip of the T Bayne NASCAR cap to New Order)
It feels pretty good, actually. the run/walk splits are glacially inching together. I still walk more than i run, but not by nearly as much as before. I can do this. and so can you.
Mama is doing the wii fit, even as i type this. We're making changes, although I ate criminally too much of Mama Romy's dip at the Daytona party yesterday. Speaking of Trevor Bayne..he looks young enough to be my son. Oh wait, I have a daughter that's his age? She has my permission to marry. :-)
Good for you for sticking with the running thing--I've given up completely. On of my minions at work runs a small bike shop with his friends and I'm going to get him to overhaul one of our cheap Huffys for me and I hope to start riding a bike when the weather gets nice. And maybe lift weights with Alex. Who knows.
Anyway--good for you for sticking with it!
Thanks, Nerdgarden. When your best friend is a stud marathoner it tends to motivate, a tad. :-) I saw Al play a couple games this year and his improvement is marked, from before.
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