In conversation last evening, the point was made that I've always been "the sensitive one". I can't deny it. My feathers are easily ruffled, my feelings get hurt, my psyche gets bruised, easily. Too easily probably. Because I'm aware of it, I have to filter everything through this lens. For example, when we invite 50 people to a swim party for cookie's birthday, and 20 of them don't rsvp, am I being overly sensitive when I get angry? When my sis and her hubbie, who live 3 hours away, drive to within 3 miles of my house to party and don't even bother to give me a call, am I wrong to think that maybe I'm not as relevant to them as they are to me? I think an argument can be made that I have a right to be a bit upset, but probably not to the extent that I take it. Of course, etiquette and good taste are on my side, but that's cold comfort.
Zachary has earned his Green Belt in HRD, and spent the last week at Camp Drake, with the boy
scouts. He's growing up, showing a level of maturity and sophistication that was sorely missing 6 months ago. Of course, he's 12, so he can still be dorky, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I've seen the prematurely mature thing up close, and it's ugly.
Tommie Anne taught herself to swim...yesterday. Thursday, she refused to get in the pool without a she swam under water from one side of the pool to the other. Without prompting, or coaching, or help. Wierd, yet very cool.
It is tough dealing with the lack of common courtesy of others at times. If an RSVP is requested I think it should be responded to. I understand people are busy, but taking just a minute to make that simple call when people make time to sit in front of their computers hours on end emailing, just astounds me. I feel your pain!
One sport season right into the do you keep it all straight! Make sure we get the football to come out and give a cheer!
Tommie shows great independence...which hopefully you will not suffer from in the future. Does not surprise me she took the bull by the horns and did it! Great job!!
I apologize for not inviting you to a complete stranger's house, that I was only at for about an hour.
I don't believe that this is the proper forum for airing this out.
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