Monday, June 30, 2008

more reflecting...

Time! on whose arbitrary wingThe varying hours must flag or fly,Whose tardy winter, fleeting spring,But drag or drive us on to die---(tip o' the Cardinals Cap to Lord Byron)

Kind of a bleak passage, in fact the whole poem is pretty much a downer, but kind of matching the spirits today. Tomorrow is the first day of July, and I feel like the days are flying past at an incomprehensible rate. #1 son turned 12 last week. 4 years until he's driving. 6 years until graduation, heartbreaks, failures, successes, joy and sorrow all in his path, and nothing a dad that loves him more than life itself can do but stand on the sidelines and offer encouragement.

Enough of the maudlin...let's get on with the progress reports...

Cookie's continuing to aquit himself well at all-star practices...proving that he belongs. The tournament is in Paris, IL so we've got some commuting to look forward to.

#1 son's green belt test was laid low by the flu. He'll be testing in July, apparently.

The bulk of the trim work has been completed in the lr & hall way. We have some touching up to do, and I need to trim out the kitchen & bath, but it's progressing nicely. I can't say enough about the Bostitch brad nailer. It's a life saver.

I've been running & walking twice a week, but the results aren't where I want them to be. Could it be the beer and late night dinners? Nah....

1 comment:

Ally said...

You're seeing the light at the end of the renovation tunnel it sounds...woohoo! Can't wait to see your work of wonders! Good job getting out there and doing your walk/run routine. The wonders of winter have fallen gracefully on my behind so it is time for me to hit the bricks as well. Just need another hour in my day....

Congrats to "cookie" on making it to the big league event...good luck to him. Darn about not getting the other one off to test for the Green...he will do great next month when the time rolls around! As far as the Princess...give her a squeeze for me...she is just adorable.