Thursday, February 25, 2010

on kids, life, etc

So #1 son is set to have minor surgery next week, and he's pretty worried about it. He told me on the way home from the pre-op physical that he fully expects not to wake up, and that it will be our fault. His point of view is consistently the "worst case scenario" type, so I'm not totally surprised, but it still hurts to hear.
Mini-me appears to be at the same cross roads as always....the choice between excellence and just getting by. I'm beginning to wonder if I really have any influence on the path he chooses.
The princess is growing quickly, and she recently gave me the "I hate school" line for the first
Two weeks from Friday is my last day here at Big Chief U, not certain what the future holds. Anger and cynicism are my constant companions as I try to deal with this short-sighted, stupid decision made by people who should have known better.

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