Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Some times. All I need is the air that I breath.

Hat tip to the Hollies....

I am now on an 1800 calorie per day diet, courtesy of a rather stern Pulmonary doc. Apparently, I have severe sleep apnea, and I'm about to be fitted with a c/pap machine for the better to rest, my pretties. I am also expected to lose 2 1/2 inches off my neck, and I can no longer lift weights that exercise my delts, as apparently my manly man weight routine adds to the small problem of my starving for oxygen in the night. During my sleep test, I slept for a total of 413 minutes and had 348 waking episodes. in other words, I am awakened from REM sleep about once every minute and a half trying to catch my breath. At one point, I went 41 seconds without breathing. Scary stuff. Especially when the good dr. points out that this makes it imminently likely that I will die in my sleep without treatment, and pleasant dreams to ye.

#1 son and I had a good 30 minute session this morning. he was able to build on the scant sit up total from last week, mainly because I cajoled him into putting forth a little more effort.

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