Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Though you are in your shining days,
Voices among the crowd
And new friends busy with your praise,
Be not unkind or proud,
But think about old friends the most:
Time's bitter flood will rise,
Your beauty perish and be lost
For all eyes but these eyes.-----Yeats

There's a guy who lives in VG who was my stepbrother for 20+ years. Great guy, really. Loves his wife and loves his kids and loves their kids, but I don't really know him. We live two miles apart and see each other twice a year, and we're not bitter about it. There's no latent animosity. We're just at vastly different places in our lives and neither of us have the time or desire to mend what really isn't broken.

then there are those four rowdies whom I consider to be my true brothers....

I know that we've had our disagreements...about women, and 40th birthdays (sorry bro', sincerely) and gun control, (it doesn't work, TSE!), and Michigan football tix (I can't believe the whiff took a stand on the issue, Mikey!) but I know that when I truly need you guys, you'll be there for me, and vice versa. I appreciate all that you do for me, and I wanted to say it publicly. I still find it hard to believe that it all started with a summer job at Hardee's. (no offense, Melbs) Here's to the next 44 years, fellas!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

One for all and all for one!!!