Tuesday, October 2, 2007

same old story...

Not much to report in VGFATnews. The boss, #1 son and I went to HRD class last night. #1 son really put some OOMMPH into his punches and kicks. One particularly vicious chop kick sent the pad flying from my hand! I've been badgering him and mini-me about putting forth maximum effort into everything they do, and it really seemed to manifest last night.

I am seeing (glacially slow) improvement in my flexibility. I'm now able to do some things ( like touch my toes) that I couldn't do prior to starting class. Hell, before I started HRD, I couldn't even SEE my toes!

The boss continues to amaze. She's a dervish with the ssang jool bong (nunchuks). I, of course, am grateful that the beginners' model is covered in thick foam, lest I be sporting some serious knots on the old noggin. I am starting to get the hang of it....at least to the part where we swing the damned things between our legs before returning it to the ready position. I'm less than enthusiastic about that little move, but I have to learn it as part of my yellow belt preparation.

Had a good weight training session this morning. I really like super setting curls and tricep extensions with the heavy bag. My arms are still burning. #1 son tried, but was unable to answer the call this morning. I told him we'd do some cals tonight before bed.

Tomorrow, we attack mount VG for hill sets. Damn, I can't wait. Really.

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