Tuesday, February 26, 2008

tuesday bluesday

Well, the blizzard missed us this morning. Yippee!! I am SO ready for the sound of balls pinging off aluminum bats and hitting leather. I've been roped into coaching mini-me's baseball team, and I'm also getting my umpire certification, so look for the VGfatfamily to spend all of June & July at a ball park near you. #1 son has expressed an interest in learning the sweet sport of pasture pool....so I might be able to convince the boss to let me play once a week, for the sake of the children, really, honestly! The Old Dodge Globe pleasure palace on wheels is ready to fire up and go to the campground...we're going to be starting the massive remodeling project...have I mentioned how ready I am for warm weather?

Hit the weights a bit this morning...I read in one of my health mags about changing the position of your feet to destabilize your core when performing reps, so I did three sets of cleans...one with my feet at the traditional shoulder width...then one with my left foot in front of my right, and finished with my right in front of my left...the resulting instability reduced my strength significantly while really taxing my lower back/abs so I guess those exercise phys guys sometimes know what they're talking about. :-) I also did two sets of the db curl/tricep extension/speed bag trifecta of pain and finished off with some Pilates Core work....not bad for a fat guy!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

oooh warmmmm weather.... you and me both bro'