Friday, January 25, 2013


I had ESPN on while i was working out this morning, watching Murray vs. Federer, and I had to stop and admire the sheer magnificence on display.  Those two men were crafting shot after shot, and it made me reflect on how I need to do a better job of appreciating excellence where ever I see it.  From the short order cook who folds an omelette just right, to IRO and his mad skills with a geetar and vocals to Mikey & Tom and their superior IT skills, I am surrounded by surpassing talent and beauty.

As for me....I'm pretty good at drinking beer.  I am not sure if there are any overt skills that I could rate myself as excellent at, but then again maybe it's all about the pursuit so I'll keep trying.

Got a good dumbbell workout in today.  Can't wait until the weather breaks and I can get back out on the road.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Do NOT sell yourself short, Hooks! You are obviously an amazing father, wonderful husband, and darned good friend. So you can't shred a guitar or hack into somebody's computer? Whatevs. You rock at being a human!