Tuesday, January 13, 2009

VG wins! VG wins!

Vg traveled to arthur Saturday and defeated the amish menace, 21-15. Cookie played some tough D, but didn't dent the scorers column.

I went 1.33 miles on Friday, doubling the run/walk splits, then followed by going a couple blocks further on monday..up to around 1.5 miles. Had some major pain in my left arch. I'm not sure why it manifested itself on my fourth run rather than on one of the first 3, but I'm too old not to worry about it.


nerdrium said...

And Arthur is yet another group of awful, unsportsmanlike parents and fans. Not as bad as Tuscola or Unity (who are definitely the worst), but they're up there. Congrats on the W!

Tony "the big fat loser" said...

thanks, bud. I'm too focused on the game to hear comments from the fans. the coaches seemed cool enough.

Unknown said...

congrats on the W. Woohoo. And good job keeping up the jogging. I see you beating a few 5kers I know will be doing Illinois with you.