Thursday, September 20, 2007

windsprint wednesday and thirsty thursday

#1 son, mini-me and I went to the school Wednesday morning and ran three sets of hills and a set of pyramids on the football field. After completing the pyramid, (10,20,30,40,50,40,30,20,10) #1 decided that we should sprint from goal line to goal line...what a GREAT idea. Talk about your basic 5 point palm exploding heart technique. If you happened to be outside, anywhere in the western hemisphere, at approximately 6 am, you probably felt the breeze as I sucked in air, trying to replenish the completely depleted 02 levels.

I introduced #1 son to the joys of weight lifting this morning. It went well, though he's in terrible shape for a 12 year old. Seeing him so out of shape so young is greater motivation than any personal goals I've set. Showed him the basics, (curls, tricep extensions, military press, squats) then threw in an impromptu HRD session to work up a good sweat.
I don't know or care, really, if all this exercise will be reflected in my Biggest Loser competition results. I do think that I'm setting an example for my children to follow and that has incredible value to me.

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