Tuesday, January 22, 2008

#1 son, revisited.

So, my oldest son sometimes has trouble accepting responsibility when problems arise, and I, having recently lived through this to the extreme with the firstborn, tend to reign down on him like Zeus in these situations. I don't expect or demand perfection or anything close to it, but I do want him to man up and just accept it when he's at fault. The problem is that he's so damned sensitive & lacking in confidence. He tends to take my mildest criticisms as an indictment of his character, and it's especially difficult now as he's staring into puberty's gaping maw. If anyone has a blueprint for getting through this, please publish it. It's a bestseller waiting to happen.

VGFATdog and I went a little over a mile this morning. It was 31 degrees, lightly snowing, with a 20+ mph wind making it feel like 19. I lengthened my splits to 4/1 and felt GOOD!

I managed to lose two more pounds, even though I spent Sunday and Monday in slothful indolence, so we're at 4 down, hundreds to go!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awesome job on the 4/1 splits. You are the man with your dedication to your training.

As far as the answer to your other question - who knows. I'd be rich if I did.