Thursday, January 3, 2008

due diligence

Not a lot to report, really. I went back to work for the first time since Dec 20. The office was still there. :-) I had managed to keep up on e-mail traffic so it wasn't unbearably busy. I am thankful to have a job where I can actually advocate for the students rather than oppose them.

I dragged #1 son and mini-me out to the lounge for a 20 minute core routine last night. After MUCH wailing and nashing of teeth, they settled down and did a pretty fair job. I am still worried about #1's lack of core strength. He can barely do one situp without cheating. Oddly enough, he can do planks and bird dogs pretty well. These two moves KILL your abs, especially the transversus abdominus, or side abs, so I think his front abs are where the problem lies.

Today, the dog and I are going for a mile and a half. Too cold for #1 to join us.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are awesome. Posting at 4am and then going for a mile point 5 in single digit weather. Wish i had your motivation.