Tuesday, January 29, 2008

So long, friend.

I don't normally believe in fate, or pre-ordination, or whatever you want to call it, but the news that my friend had been murdered last night really made me think. You see, Ryan had been kidnapped last summer by murdering thugs, and had lived to tell the tale. Now a scant six months later, and he's gone. Killed by unknown assailants. Wrong place, wrong time? Who knows. I am simply floored by the notion that violent death came calling his name, not once, but twice, in six months, in an area of our country where gun violence is almost unheard of. It's almost enough to make one give serious thought to the concept of destiny. He and I weren't close, not more than acquaintances, really, but he was one of those guys who befriended all who crossed his path. I will miss him and his maniacal laugh and his ability to turn any occasion into a happening. My sincerest condolences to his family, and to the family of his friend, who was also foully murdered.

in totally irrelevant news, I worked out for about 40 minutes this morning. Mostly HRD forms, with some lifting and weapons work. Enough to work up a good lather.

I also picked up my C/Pap machine.


nerdrium said...

I was totally floored this morning, just like I'm sure you were.

The LAST thing that happened was completely surreal--this is even more unfathomable. I can't imagine what his family is going through....


Unknown said...

That's sad bro. Jake told me about it this morning. Hope you are doing ok.