Monday, January 28, 2008


So as I was leaving Grazing Grounds yesterday ( ), I decided to do a little donut in the gravel near the end of the lane. #1 son looked at me with a huge grin and pronounced that "Even if I could choose any dad, I'd choose you." As everyone knows, I don't always see eye to eye with my eldest male child, so these words were like ambrosia to a parched soul. Now I just have to figure out how to keep the sentiment alive. I can't be going around doing donuts in VGFATtruck, can I?

Went about a mile today with VGFATdog. Still running the 4/1 splits, but I felt like crapola. My quads were en fuego, and I'm not sure why. It was around 30, with 15 mph winds making it feel like 20.

Gained a pound this week. Who knew that not exercising, combined with pizza for dinner twice and beer every night would have such a deleterious impact?

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