Found an excellent 15-20 minute dumbell workout in
Men's Health . It works EVERYTHING, with an emphasis on the core.
The All-in-One Abs Workout
Istvan Javorek's dumbbell complexes build the entire body while pegging metabolism in the red zone. He designed them to help create Olympic champions in Romania, but you'll enjoy the effects: more muscle, less fat, and a six-pack core.
The Drill
Three times a week, do either complex. For Complex No. 1, do 6 reps of each exercise and move to the next without stopping. For No. 2, do 3 reps of each exercise and move to the next without stopping, building up to 3 total circuits. As you advance, increase the number of circuits.
The Program1. Upright Row2. High Pull Snatch3. Squat Push Press4. Bent-Over Row5. High Pull Snatch
The Technique
Upright Row: Stand with your knees slightly bent and hold a pair of dumbbells at arms' length in front of your thighs, thumbs facing each other and palms facing your thighs. This stance turns your elbows slightly outward and your shoulders slightly inward. Look ahead with your chest up, back straight, and abs tight. Bring the weights up to neck level, keeping the pair aligned. Your elbows should be flared out to ear level. At the top, rise up on your toes. Return to the starting position.
High Pull Snatch: Stand with dumbbells as if you're about to perform an upright row, but lean forward to lower the weights to knee level, keeping your head and neck aligned. This is the starting position. Now raise the weights as you did with the upright row, but don't pause at the top; instead, flip your wrists back to bring the weights overhead, extending your arms fully while rising up on your toes. Return to the starting position. Keep the weights as close to your body as possible throughout the lift.
Squat Push Press: Stand upright and hold dumbbells at your shoulders, palms facing forward. Maintaining this position and looking straight ahead, bend your hips and knees to lower into a full squat, thighs at least parallel to the floor. As you rise from the squat, begin pressing the weights overhead, rising up on your toes at the top, at which point your arms should be fully extended overhead. Return to the starting position.
Bent-Over Row: Stand holding dumbbells at arm's length in front of you, palms facing back. Bend your knees slightly, and bend at the waist so that your back is flat and angled 45 degrees to the floor. Once your body weight is centered on your heels, you're in the starting position. Without altering this position -- no swinging your trunk -- bend your elbows to bring the weights quickly and explosively into your armpits. Return to the starting position at a slower pace.